Friday, 27 June 2014

Ring, Ring! Hello?

Ring, ring! Hello treasures! For as long as I can remember I have been head over heels in love with ethnic, clunky, chunky, silver jewellery. And by jewellery, I mainly mean rings. Big, silver, turquoise and labradorite rings. The more I can pile on the better and the happier I am! I've been known to wear more than one on each finger, it's like a ring party on my hands.

The one on my ring finger was a present from my Pappa. He gave it to me after seeing Imogen Heap at the Albert Hall. It was all in all a really flaming magical evening, topped of by the beautiful ring.
On the subject of ring fingers, I've had people ask me if I think it's bad luck to wear a ring on your wedding finger before marriage, my response is a big old resounding no! Although the notion is a very sweet one, there are just too many beautiful rings that I want to wear and I love to put them on my ring finger!

The one on my middle finger is from India, it reminds me of pirate treasure! I was walking along the road in Goa, right near the beach, when I stumbled upon a teeny tiny little shop jam packed with jewellery. I was in heaven! The lovely Indian chap came out with boxes and boxes of rings. Again, I was in absolute heaven, delving into the cold jewel encrusted silver was like digging for buried treasure. I came out with a mere 5 rings, I could and should have gone absolutely crazy but it was my first day there and I wanted to save my money!

The one on my pointy finger is actually from eBay, although I like to tell people it's from a mystical land far far away, and that it was in fact made by wolves.
The stone is Moss Prehnite and I absolutely adore the colour! It's a pretty pretty translucent mossy green, as the name might give away.. It's my current favourite!

The one on my pointer finger has a beautiful carnelian stone smack bang in the middle and a lovely raised silver pattern wrapping around it. I have had this little chap for years and years and love it dearly.

The heart shaped turquoise treasure is one of my all time favourites. It is just so beautiful! I found it in a night market in Goa called Anjuna. Oh I can't tell you how magical night markets are. The smell of rose incense wafting through the warm, thick night air, the tables and tables of beautiful treasures waiting to be snapped up. The incredible food, including the most delicious spicy sweet corn I've ever had and the best fish tortilla (not so Indian I know, delicious all the same) India is just the bomb.

The ring on my ring finger is another 'magical mysterious land, far far away' find. It's unusual to find such a huge labradorite in a small size and I am infatuated with it!

They make excellent knuckle duster-esque defence, should you get into any cat fights..

That's all from me folks! Be lucky, munchkins x

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