Sunday, 29 June 2014

Lazy Sunday Afternoon, I've Got No Mind To Worry.

Sunday's.. Ancient day of laziness, too much food and too much rain. Or at least that's how my Sunday's seem to go! For some reason I have always felt the need to dress down a little. Don't ask me why, the day itself just screams 'low-key'! Today I thought I would break the habit and jazz my jeans up a little bit, and what better way to add a certain something, than a sparkly top! I got this particular sparkly beauty from a boot fair, (I am a huge, huge fan of them) for a grand total of 20p! Who doesn't love a bargain? To top it all off I popped this heavenly velvet smoking-esque jacket, that is the most beautiful blue you'll ever see, over the top! It hangs so beautifully and can honestly be worn anywhere, with anything! It came from the loveliest vintage shop I've found in Kent called 'Vintage Space'. The shop itself is like Aladdin's cave. Oh my goodness, I was in vintage heaven! The ladies are fabulously stylish and helpful, offering to adjust a top I bought themselves. Super lovely customer serivice. I beg you to have a gander yourselves if you are in the Kent area, Number 7 The Old High Street, Folkestone. If you pop Vintage Space into Facebook they should pop up, have a look and a like for yourself! 



These jeans are ancient River Island, I've probably had them since I was 12! We're talking seriously old. The shoes however, are new.. Thanks to Depop (my new obsession) I got these holographic platform Birkenstock-esque babies. It's safe to say I'm in love. Move over Jeffrey Campbell..
That's all from me folks! Over and out until next time my loves. Be lucky x

Friday, 27 June 2014

Ring, Ring! Hello?

Ring, ring! Hello treasures! For as long as I can remember I have been head over heels in love with ethnic, clunky, chunky, silver jewellery. And by jewellery, I mainly mean rings. Big, silver, turquoise and labradorite rings. The more I can pile on the better and the happier I am! I've been known to wear more than one on each finger, it's like a ring party on my hands.

The one on my ring finger was a present from my Pappa. He gave it to me after seeing Imogen Heap at the Albert Hall. It was all in all a really flaming magical evening, topped of by the beautiful ring.
On the subject of ring fingers, I've had people ask me if I think it's bad luck to wear a ring on your wedding finger before marriage, my response is a big old resounding no! Although the notion is a very sweet one, there are just too many beautiful rings that I want to wear and I love to put them on my ring finger!

The one on my middle finger is from India, it reminds me of pirate treasure! I was walking along the road in Goa, right near the beach, when I stumbled upon a teeny tiny little shop jam packed with jewellery. I was in heaven! The lovely Indian chap came out with boxes and boxes of rings. Again, I was in absolute heaven, delving into the cold jewel encrusted silver was like digging for buried treasure. I came out with a mere 5 rings, I could and should have gone absolutely crazy but it was my first day there and I wanted to save my money!

The one on my pointy finger is actually from eBay, although I like to tell people it's from a mystical land far far away, and that it was in fact made by wolves.
The stone is Moss Prehnite and I absolutely adore the colour! It's a pretty pretty translucent mossy green, as the name might give away.. It's my current favourite!

The one on my pointer finger has a beautiful carnelian stone smack bang in the middle and a lovely raised silver pattern wrapping around it. I have had this little chap for years and years and love it dearly.

The heart shaped turquoise treasure is one of my all time favourites. It is just so beautiful! I found it in a night market in Goa called Anjuna. Oh I can't tell you how magical night markets are. The smell of rose incense wafting through the warm, thick night air, the tables and tables of beautiful treasures waiting to be snapped up. The incredible food, including the most delicious spicy sweet corn I've ever had and the best fish tortilla (not so Indian I know, delicious all the same) India is just the bomb.

The ring on my ring finger is another 'magical mysterious land, far far away' find. It's unusual to find such a huge labradorite in a small size and I am infatuated with it!

They make excellent knuckle duster-esque defence, should you get into any cat fights..

That's all from me folks! Be lucky, munchkins x

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Hello Flawless!

 For years and I have been searching for the perfect make up. One that doesn't slip off my face the moment a little bit of rain waves it's self in my direction. While I was in London a few weeks ago I was so sick of the foundation I had that I popped into Benefit on Carnaby street and begged for help! The sweet lady that rescued me from my foundation nightmare recommended using a primer, primarily (see what I did there) 'The POREfessional' to help the damn stuff budging. Now I was a primer virgin and I can't recommend this stuff highly enough! I also picked up lovely foundation called 'Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow!' in the shade champagne, normally I would be an ivory but I am a little sun kissed at the moment and wanted something to suit my glow! While I was there I thought I might as well treat myself to some concealer too boot, so I picked up a couple, just because, who doesn't need a nice bit of coverage! The first one is call 'Boi-ing', it comes in a sweet little pot and has a nice creamy, yet substantial texture. The second one I got as a freebie and had to go back and buy it because it's so lovely! It's called 'Fake-up'. It claims to be a hydrating, crease control cover up stick, now I'm happy to say I don't quite have any creases to cover up just yet, I just use it under my eyes and it leaves a lovely light reflecting finish! To end with - almost - I bought a powder to keep all the loveliness firmly in place. The powder in question is called 'Hello Flawless". Who doesn't love the sound of that! It's absolutely wonderful. I can't recommend any of these products highly enough, especially the powder. Although Benefit is a little pricey, you most definitively get what you pay for. To top it all off I nabbed one if their skin products called 'Refined Finish'. It's basically a teeny tiny beaded exfoliator and works like a dream if used a few times a week! It leaves skin feeling fresh and buffed to perfection, again I can't recommend it highly enough! Well I think that's about it for my little Benefit review/rant. 
Thanks for tuning in folks, over and out! 
M x

The Rain In Spain Falls Mainly In The Plain.

                        Hello treasures! Here I am again with my Jack Russell terrier, Fruity! 
    I'm enjoying this whole outfit of the day thingy so much that I thought I'd post another one. 
This little number is one of my favourites at the moment and dare I even say it, is a very affordable price as it's from Primark! I was shocked as a shocked thing when I found it and read the label to find it was a grand total of £11. It's beautifully made, the pattern is to die for and it looks and feels much more expensive than it is, which is always fun. It came with a belt of it's own, which is sweet but I prefer to mix it up a little with my own vintagey belts. The cut is one of my favourite things about this dress, the neckline is absolutely darling, its a perfect length and the sleeves are nicely capped! Some sleeves are so unflattering, you've got to be careful, the wrong sleeves can say so much about a girl! 
It's one of those wonderful dresses that can be dressed up and down. I'm terrible for overdressing on a daily basis, wearing the most inappropriate things to pop out to the supermarket - flowers in my hair and indecent footwear - why not is what I think! You only live once, you may as well look fabulous. Sod anyone who thinks you are over the top! 
Now, these glasses may be a little wacky, but I love them! I'm pretty sure I get more than a few funny looks while I parade along the beach near where I live, waking my dogs wearing these bad boys but I thoroughly enjoy their madness! I also enjoy freaking people out, if someone looks at me and thinks "you're brave" or "what the hell are you wearing", my mission has been accomplished! The more you confuse and bemuse people the more fun you can have, especially with fashion. It's all meant to be fun! Enjoy it! 
M x

Brandy Is Dandy But Liquor Is Quicker.

       "You have a brilliant mind. Don't you dare let yourself get in the way of your future." 

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

God Loves A Blogger.

The Top

First of all I want to stress just how beautiful this little top is. God bless Miss Selfridges! The most wonderful part about it, is that it has matching shorts! (which I will most definitely be showing you at some point in the very near future, just you try and stop me.) Its the most gorgeous, brocade type of material, the length is just right, not too revealing, lets refer to the length as something your Grandma might approve of!  

The Jeans

The jeans are one of my favourite cuts, yes ladies and gentlemen, the Topshop Mom Jean. I am guilty of having them in four different colours.. They are perfect if you are a little on the short side as the high waisted-ness elongated your little legs and nips you in nicely at the waist. I am an absolute sucker for high waisted anything. The denim of these trousers is to die for! Ultra chic, ultra comfortable. I have just started to customise these ones, I have an array of patches that will be added once I pull my finger out! Stay tuned kids..

The Kimono

I have had this little number for years! I absolutely adore the print and colours, its such a useful item to you just to throw over something plain to jazz it up a little. Every girl should have at least one kimono type thing!

The Shoes

Its more than safe to say these shoes make my life that little bit better. Now I am a self confessed creeper addict and for an addict such as myself, these are the Holy Grail of creepers. I had been lusting and lusting after them for a little longer than I care to admit, I searched high and low for these babies before finally finding them on Depop (a cute, quirky little online boutique kind of place thats better and prettier than eBay)  I am not ashamed to say I nearly cried when I got them in the post, although they may have been tears of shame. The pesky postman came just as I was getting out the bath, the poor bastard got a terrible eyeful of what can only be described as a drowned, bedraggled rat. a.k.a, me dripping all over his little signature machine thing, ashamed and somewhat embarrassed. It's safe to say those feeling swiftly ebbed away when I opened the box and they winked their beautiful mermaid like eyes at me. We've been going strong for the last week or so, I think it's getting pretty serious..

The Accessories 

Now I am truly a girl who likes to accessorise, call me the female equivalent to Vince Noir.
I am absolutely obsessed with ethnic jewellery, the clunkier the better. The weather in England has been quite lovely the last few days and rings have taken a bit of a backseat (theres nothing worse than your fingers heating up to the point your rings look like they are stuck over sausages.)
For years and years I refused to wear a watch, I didn't like the commitment to wearing one thing constantly but since Mr.Kors and I met something changed.. This watch is simply beautiful. I favour silver over gold and this little beauty is just clunky and heavy enough to have me hooked. I feel naked without it now! Michael Kors, I salute you.
The necklace is my current favourite, a gift from my Papa, (who has incredibly good taste when it comes to jewellery) its antique jade with little bits of coral and silver running through it. I am in love with its vintagey loveliness.
The ring I have on here is from an antique fair, I bought it on my way back from a gig years ago. The bracelet is new. It's made from magnetic hematite and is supposed to bring energy and calm to the wearer. I'm crossing my fingers it works its magic..

That's all from me folks! 
I hope you've been nicely entertained.
M x

The First Post, The Post That Hurts The Most.

Once upon a blog, lived a five foot three inches girl who lived and loved by the sea. 
She had a slight obsession with the prettier things in life, lovely words, pretty pictures, clothes - shoes, when one day she had so many idea's in her head that they spilled from head to fingers into what is the modern day equivalent of pen to paper.
That girl is me. Hello lovely people of the internet. If you could see me, you would see that I am indeed waving at you all. 
Here you will find the ramblings of a slightly odd girl with perhaps a little too much time on her hands, to take pictures and write about things that mean something to her. You will find the odd song, the odd review, the odd hair and make-up tutorial, perhaps the odd picture of one of my many animals, thats a story for another day. (I apologise for overusing the word 'odd'.)
If any of this appeals to you, you've found yourself in the right place..

M x