So, I've been thinking about writing up a 'serious' post but whenever I actually sit down to put fingers to keyboard, nothing comes out. I have all these idea's about interesting subjects I have strong opinions on and they all go up in a puff of smoke when I attempt to verbalise (or the writing equivalent) them. So I thought here's what I'll do, I'll just write and see what comes out. You're all in for a real treat, my mind has a terrible habit of coming up with the most obscure things.
The first thing that pops into my head is why people always seem to want more. People as a whole are seldom satisfied with what they have, always pushing the limit of what's on offer. Take this for instance, when it comes to relationships - of any kind, mostly the 'romantic' kind - talking to someone for hours, seeing someone and doing something lovely for an evening leaves us wanting more, or at least it should, I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't think anyone lets that feeling thaw out before they're pestering the other person for another date to put in their diary, another conversation, more. Why is no one satisfied with what they have? The feeling of wanting more should be celebrated, instead it's seen as an unsure thing, ie, What more is there? What will happen? When will it happen?
Mentally going on overdrive, worrying about what hasn't and might not ever actually happen seems like a lot of hard work when what 'we' should be doing is going with the flow, not pushing against the current, what will be will be and pushing it is a sure fire way to drive anything way in the other direction.
See now I'm rambling and I don't quite know what my point is yet, I'll get to it.
Mick Jagger whines about being unable to get satisfaction, and funnily enough it seems to be the national anthem these days. The fact of the matter is everything and everyone is so accessible, 'available now, available 5 minutes ago' there's no bloody mystery any more. Facebook even tells you when someone has seen your message, If you don't reply immediately, you are a bastard. I think what I'm trying to say here is technology and it's hold on people, is responsible for an awful lot of fuck ups and misunderstandings. These days people check their phone before turning over and saying good morning to one another, I have been more than guilty of this on countless occasions but isn't it a bit fucked up? I saw a couple walking along the sea front both glued to their phones, not looking at the sky or the sea, least of all looking at each other, missing out on the real world because they are so involved in the fantasy that they've created via the power of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. Too busy telling the world what they're doing to actually enjoy themselves while they are doing it, it almost seems like we want to constantly boast about what we're eating, drinking, doing, who we're seeing, who hurt us, pisses us off, blah, blah, blah.
Now I say all of this as an insider, I'm absolutely guilty of all of the above, I just wonder how it all came to be. Its like a crazy frenzy that's taken hold with a vice like grip and refuses to let go, or worse yet, doesn't want to be let go.
It's all smoke and mirrors isn't it? Talking to people online is a recipe for disaster as far as i'm concerned, getting to know the version of someone they want you to see. It's kind of like having empty feelings for an idea of something or someone. Sure, you can fall in love with the idea of someone, easy, the reality is probably very different. I'm talking overweight, balding and string vest alcoholic, 'here's a picture of me from 20 years ago' different.
While I am ranting, what oh what does the fashion industry actually bring to the table? Yes beautiful clothes, but at a price and i'm not just talking the extravagant price on the tag. I'm talking making people - mostly girls - feel inferior because they don't have the perfectly beautiful long limbs, the beautiful hair, glowy skin, manicured nails that are all manufactured and manipulated. Designers, hairstylists, make up artists, being paid ridiculous amounts of money for what?
As promised, I'm now wittering on.
Basically, be happy now, don't beat yourself up, don't fish for the future, don't live in the past because although it affected your reality then, it doesn't have to affect your future. Let go! Here and right now is pivotal. It's literally all there is or ever might be. For the love of god seize the moment.
Over and out x